New release

New release

HPMD*Pumpkin Dress

MARKETPLACE Hello, everyone. the season of Halloween came on. Sasaya kayo made HPMD*Pumpkin Dress. (all 3 colors) @copy ...

New! HPMD sky garden OPEN

renewed our sky garden today HPMDのスカイガーデンが新しくなりました。 素敵な仕上がりになっています。遊びにきてください。お待ちしております! スカイガーデンに使っている木は次の通りです。

limited prize for Choice! 2011 (Creators Stamp Rally)

HPMD*FloatingJar This is a limited prize from HPMD for Choice! 2011 (Creators Stamp Rally). Please acquire event informa...
New release

HPMD* Happiness Catcher

-New Release- HPMD* Happiness Catcher new released Today! :D Hey, take a look at this. What do you think this is? butter...

for Project RandoMuseum

HPMD* cheerful accessories for Project RandoMuseum these accessories for Project RandoMuseum. HPMD* bangle color A HPMD*...

Prize of HPMD for Project RandoMuseum

HPMD*AcousticGuitar This is a prize from HPMD for Project RandoMuseum. ( About Project RandoMuseum ) When you get lucky ...

HPMD* Branch Log Swing

-New Release- HPMD* Branch Log Swing Hello. We released lovely Log Swings with tiny florets and leaves of two color. You...

would you like to redecorate the garden?

HPMD garden's news:) would you like to redecorate the garden?;) Sasaya kayo on SL MARKETPLACE -New Release- HPMD release...

【New Release】HPMD* Happy Sprout Sweat

Sasaya kayo made happy clothes of 4 colors. it sprouted tiny buds, and has prim suspenders, colorful beads, and etc... m...

【New Release】HPMD* Little Storybook

Happy mood New Release Sasaya kayo made HPMD* Little Storybook. (Scripts was written by Achamo Paine.) About HPMD* Littl...